sábado, 24 de julio de 2010




1) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements
1) Jane a film. (to watch)

2) He a box. (to carry)

3) They their father. (to help)

4) John and Amy things. (to swap)

5) I to Andrew. (to talk)

6) Susan with Peter. (to dance)

7) The boys basketball. (to try)

2) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements.

1) They something to drink. (to order)

2) Last summer I to Stuttgart. (to go)

3) She her homework in the afternoon. (to do)

4) He to 10. (to count)

5) Our cat a big mouse. (to catch)

6) In 2001 our class a trip to Norwich. (to make)

7) The weather really nice. (to be)

8) The secretary the file yesterday. (to delete)

9) Paul nothing to me. (to say)

10) The people something to each other. (to whisper)

3) Use the verbs in the Simple Past.

1) she visits - she

2) we arrive - we
4) Negate the given sentence.

Example: He walked to the park.
He did not walk to the park.

1) We ran to the tree house.

2) My brother made a lot of noise.

5) Form questions in the Simple Past.

Example: when / he / to visit / his uncle

When did he visit his uncle?

1) when / you / to watch / the film

2) where / your father / to repair / the kite

6) Which sentences/questions are correct?

1) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past?
We did not speak Russian.
We not spoke Russian.
We spoke not Russian.

7) Which negative sentence is in the Simple Past?
They did'nt sing a song.
They didn't sing a song.
They don't sang a song.

8) Which verb forms are correct?

9) Which sentences/questions are in the Simple Past?
He didn't learn for school.
I fell from the tree.
I've found a pen.
She was in Hamburg.
We were watching a film.

10) Simple Present / Present Continuous
1. Every Monday, Sally (drive) her kids to football practice.

2. Usually, I (work) as a secretary at ABT, but this summer I (study) French at a language school in Paris. That is why I am in Paris.

3. Shhhhh! Be quiet! John (sleep) .

4. Don't forget to take your umbrella. It (rain) .

5. I hate living in Seattle because it (rain, always) .

11) Simple Present / Present Continuous

A Trekking Journal

November 12, 1997

Today (be) the second day of my trek around Mount Annapurna. I am exhausted and my legs (shake) ; I just hope I am able to complete the trek. My feet (kill, really) me and my toes (bleed) , but I (want, still) to continue.

Nepal is a fascinating country, but I have a great deal to learn. Everything (be) so different, and I (try) to adapt to the new way of life here. I (learn) a little bit of the language to make communication easier; unfortunately, I (learn, not) foreign languages quickly. Although I (understand, not) much yet, I believe that I (improve, gradually) .

I (travel, currently) with Liam, a student from Leeds University in England. He (be) a nice guy, but impatient. He (walk, always) ahead of me and (complain) that I am too slow. I (do) my best to keep up with him, but he is younger and stronger than I am. Maybe, I am just feeling sorry for myself because I am getting old.

12) Present and Past Tense

Lars: Excuse me, which movie are you waiting for?
Tony: We (wait) for the new Stars Wars movie. In fact, we (wait) here for more than five hours.
Lars: Five hours? When did you arrive?
Tony: We (get) here at 6:00 o'clock this morning. More than forty people (stand, already) here waiting for tickets when we arrived.
Lars: I can't believe that! Are you serious?
Tony: Yeah, people (take) Star Wars movies seriously. In fact, this particular showing has been sold out for over a week. We (wait, just) in line to get a good seat in the theater.
Lars: When did you buy your tickets?
Tony: I (buy) them last week by phone. I (know) tickets would be hard to get because I (see) a news interview with a group of people standing in line to get tickets. They (wait) in line for almost a month to buy tickets for the first showing.
Lars: I don't believe that!
Tony: It's true. They (camp) out in front of Mann's Chinese Theater in Los Angeles for about a month because they (want) to be the first people to see the movie.

13) Present Progressive – Form
Use the words below to make sentences in present progressive.
1. I / to read a book -
2. it / to rain -
3. he / to repair his bike -
4. they / to watch a film -
5. the cat /to sleep on the chair -
6. Jane and Emily / to do their homework -
14) Exercise on Simple Present - Present Progressive
Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).

1. Look! He (leave) the house.
2. Quiet please! I (write) a test.
3. She usually (walk) to school.
4. But look! Today she (go) by bike.
5. Every Sunday we (go) to see my grandparents.
6. He often (go) to the cinema.

15) Simple Past / Past Continuous
1. A: What (you, do) when the accident occurred?
B: I (try) to change a light bulb that had burnt out.

2. After I (find) the wallet full of money, I (go, immediately) to the police and (turn) it in.

3. The doctor (say) that Tom (be) too sick to go to work and that he (need) to stay at home for a couple of days.

4. Sebastian (arrive) at Susan's house a little before 9:00 PM, but she (be, not) there. She (study, at the library) for her final examination in French.
16) Simple in past continuous.

1.I (like) pizza.
2.He (hate) garlic.
3.My sister (prefer) tea to coffee.
4.I (want) to get away from here.
5.She (not / understand) me.
6.I (not / believe) it.
7.I (not / know) why you are so mean.
8.We (not / think) that this is right.
9.What (mean / it) ?
10.(you / hear) the music?
17) Complete the sentences using the Wh.. Words. WHAT, WHO, WHEN , WHERE, WHY, WHOSE, WHICH AND HOW. Paste a picture of each one sentences. NO DRAW. (Lea bien la Instrucción).
1) _____________car is this? It is my uncle´s car.
2) ____________do you like to eat? I like to eat chicken.
3)__________is your name? My name is John Chan.
4) _________does Mary get up in th e morning? At six o´clock.
5) _____is reading in the Library ? Sue is reading in the library.
6) _________is your school? It is near the post office.
7)_________is this lady? She is my favourite teacher.
8) ________ are you going ? I´m going to the market
18) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements, then change into negative and question form.

1) Jane __________ a film. (to watch)
2) He __________ a box. (to carry)
3) They __________ their father. (to help)
4) John and Amy __________ things. (to swap)
5) I __________ to Andrew. (to talk)
6) Susan __________ with Peter. (to dance).
19) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements, then change into negative and question form.

1) I (see) George last week - he looked very well.
2) Seven people (ring) while you were out.
3) I (leave) my mobile phone at home this morning. I had to go back. 4)
4) Dinner was great. We (have) salmon and lobster.
5) I (tear) my shirt when I fell off my bike.

20) Use “used to” plus a suitable verb to complete these sentences.
2. My sister _____ to school by bus but now she cycles.
3. I _____ thinner than my brother but now I am not.
4. My father _____ many cigarettes a day. He gave up smoking last year.
5. She _____ night after night for her degree in Economics.
6. They _____ football when they were younger.
7. I _____ the world was flat but now I realize it’s not true.
21) Simple Present Tense. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words given.
a) Joanne ____________ (work) eight hours a day.
b) Tonight we ____________ (see) a play at the thereatre.
c) Who ____________ you ____________ (speak) to just now?
d) I ____________ (not know) him very well.

22) Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the present continuous tense. (1 point)
5. We ........................................... (plan) our next holiday.
6. The girls ............................................ (visit) their grandmother today.
7. She ....................................... (read) in her bedroom at the moment.
8. The baby ...................................... (learn) how to walk.
23) Read and choose the correct adverb of frequency according to the text. Always, Usually, Sometimes, Seldom, Never. ( 2 points)
a) Carlos is an excellent student. He _________ goes to class.
b) I hate vegetables. I _________ eat carrots.
c) Robert goes to the gym only two or three times a year. He ________ goes to the gym.
d) Harold never leaves the college on Friday. He ________ eats at the cafeteria on Fridays.
1) 24) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements, then change into negative and question form.

1) I (see) George last week - he looked very well.
2) Seven people (ring) while you were out.
3) I (leave) my mobile phone at home this morning. I had to go back.
4) Dinner was great. We (have) salmon and lobster.
5) I (tear) my shirt when I fell off my bike.

25) Complete the dialogue with: Who stars in it? I went to the cinema., It was fantastic!., Where’s it showing ?, Sounds interesting.

A: HI, Joanne. How was your weekend?
B: 1) _______________________________________
A: Really? What did you do?
B: 2) ________ I saw a great film called Enchanted.
A: 3) _____________________What´s it about?
B: It´s about fairy tale characters that come to life.
A: 4) ________________________________________
B: Susan Sarandon, Patrick Dempsey and Amy Adams.
A: 5: _______________________________________
B: At the Odeon until Friday.

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