viernes, 18 de junio de 2010



Positive statements in the Simple Past, regular verbs
Note: If all of the students show me the homework on monday correctly, You will get 1 extra point in the Activities.

1) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements, then change into negative and question form.

1) Jane __________ a film. (to watch)
2) He __________ a box. (to carry)
3) They __________ their father. (to help)
4) John and Amy __________ things. (to swap)
5) I __________ to Andrew. (to talk)
6) Susan __________ with Peter. (to dance)
7) The boys __________ basketball. (to try)
8) We__________ a trip. (to plan)
9) She __________ her hair. (to wash)
10) The car __________ at the traffic lights. (to stop)

2) Put the correct forms of the verbs into the gaps. Use the Simple Past in the statements, then change into negative and question form.

1) I (see) George last week - he looked very well.
2) Seven people (ring) while you were out.
3) I (leave) my mobile phone at home this morning. I had to go back. 4)
4) Dinner was great. We (have) salmon and lobster.
5) I (tear) my shirt when I fell off my bike.
6) I'm think you misunderstood me. I (mean) 'bed' not 'bird'!
7) I (hurt) my leg playing football yesterday. I can't walk very well today.
8) Pedro (teach) me to speak Spanish in a year. He was a great teacher.

3) Use “used to” plus a suitable verb to complete these sentences.
1. He _____ online to find the information he wanted.
He used to go online to find the information he wanted.

2. My sister _____ to school by bus but now she cycles.

3. I _____ thinner than my brother but now I am not.

4. My father _____ many cigarettes a day. He gave up smoking last year.

5. She _____ night after night for her degree in Economics.

6. They _____ football when they were younger.

7. I _____ the world was flat but now I realize it’s not true.

8. That building is now a cinema. It _____ a hotel.

9. When you lived near that shopping centre, _____ you _____ there very often?

10. _____ a lot of sweets when you were a child?

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